Either you are running a business or you are working in one, you deal with people, many people. Colleagues, partners, clients are part of your life, you usually meet them more than you meet your own family. In order for you to deliver the results you are expected, no matter what your function is in ..

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“We went to this training on how to shoot correctly photos for Real Estate properties. Instead of teaching us, the trainer was narrating us about the history of photography and the components of a camera. What kind of joke is this?” I had sent two colleagues of mine to the above mentioned training, in order ..

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During the beginning of summer, the US Federal Reserve was expected to gradually decrease its “ultra – easy” monetary policy of investing 85 billion dollars per month in bonds. As a result to this expectation, in July we witnessed the economies of India, Turkey, Brazil and many other emergent countries becoming abandoned by international investors. ..

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Last week an important transaction was concluded in the Bucharest Real Estate market: Aversa industrial platform, in the center of Bucharest was sold to Benevo group, directed by the famous Michael Topolinski. Media focused on the fact that there were 14 unsuccessful auctions and Mr. Topolinski’s offer was submitted in the 15th one, being the ..

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Millions of citizens have been trained by the populists and part of the media so as to believe that there is a life out there without social obligations, only rights. The same populists who constantly cry “why we are not advanced like the rest of the world” do anything possible so as to “protect” the ..

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It is not only a professional perversion; I really search for an office to move this period. This is always a difficult task, as we crosscheck all available offers, trying to identify the suitable ones for us. We are open to collaborate with other companies (paying commission as well) when they have an offer we ..

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Ok, I got it. We don’t want the foreigners to exploit the Romanian goldmines. Good to know, case closed.   So what do we want by the foreigners? To leave totally? To remain in the country? To invest in it? In which sectors? On what criteria? Are we going to offer them stability or will ..

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