Opinion This year is definitely a better year than 2010. No one can say the opposite. But despite the positive signs, the first six months have not seen many transactions completed. The growth is still slow, after two years of “silence”. It looks like the Romanian Real Estate market has become a marathon similar to ..

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Replying to your questions Part 4 of my reply to Mr Pedro Matos. Hello to everyone. Last week I analysed to you the subject of old residential blocks from many points of view. But today I would like to remind you what may happen to us if we simply do nothing about it. Why is ..

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Part 3 to read part 1, click here to read part 2, click here to read part 4, click here Replying to your questions Hello to everyone. One of my constant readers, Mr Pedro Matos, sent me a very interesting question. He is a foreigner living in Romania and asks something that thousands of people ..

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Part 2 to read part 1, click here to read part 3, click here to read part 4, click here Replying to your questions Hello to everyone. One of my constant readers, Mr Pedro Matos, sent me a very interesting question. He is a foreigner living in Romania and asks something that thousands of people ..

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Part 1 to read part 2, click here to read part 3, click here to read part 4, click here Replying to your questions. Hello to everyone. One of my constant readers, Mr Pedro Matos, sent me a very interesting question. He is a foreigner living in Romania and asks something that thousands of people ..

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Part 2 (to read part 1, click here) On Thursday I explained to you what happened in Greece, once the politicians started spreading money to people, multiplying the number of eligible people for every category of State aid. Today let us check what will probably happen in Romania, if the country increases the number of ..

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Part 1 (to read part 2, click here) I have been reading several articles lately, regarding the intention to increase the number of eligible person for “Prima Casa”. Instead of the ones who don’t have any property on their name, now there is an announced intention to include more categories in the project. In the ..

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