#Colectiv changes part of the Real Estate market
– “The politicians are thieves! The Parliament… the parties… Iohannis… I want them all replaced!” – “What happened? You usually don’t care about politics. Is it the “Colectiv” case that made you upset?” – “I will probably have to shut down my restaurant! It is not in the announced list of the restaurants that function  [more]

Campanie ROST


Life lessons, 3: How much does your name cost?

– “For the others, Easter had finished, but for us, the route to Golgotha was just about to start… On Tuesday evening I was back… we gathered in the kitchen for dinner… your grandmother had prepared everyone’s favorite food and a carefully ironed white tablecloth was over the table… we sat down without  [more]

Relax, Romania will not collapse. Don’t confuse a country with its politicians

– “Everything has frozen, all the investors told me to stop and wait to see what is going to happen” – “It is absolutely normal, we need to wait for a few days, to see where we are heading to…” – “No, no, some of them say that they will cancel their projects and leave  [more]

Can there be a bigger tragedy than Colectiv? Unfortunately, yes. An earthquake in Bucharest. In the middle of the night…

– “My client has this offer for you” – “It is too low, I have already two better offers by other developers” – “How much do they pay?” – “More or less 30% more than you do” – “But how is it possible? We will both sell at the same price…” –  [more]

Colectiv, mentality and souls

– “Ilia, we were in one of the most luxurious clubs of the country. When one of us vomited, they brought us napkins (!) to clean up the floor…” – “They did not have the simple professional equipment to clean up?” – “No…” (10 more serious accusations followed up, including issues  [more]

Google and 3 reasons: Why the Romanian Residential Real Estate market has potential

Google: Romanians want to buy a house Our world includes 196 countries and even more territories. Each year Google publishes a map with the no.1 word in the google searches in each country. In the 2014 report, while in other countries people’s first concern is the cost of a cow, a goat or a BMW  [more]

5 small tools that are promoted as “marketing tricks with astonishing results”

– “There is something wrong with me” – “What a rare statement, let’s talk about this” – “I was in so many workshops and seminars, I know how to make marketing campaigns fast, easily and with low budget… but I presume that I am doing something wrong in the implementation…&rdquo  [more]

An advantage of the 2008 – 2013 Real Estate crisis: More careful end-buyers

– “We simply did not know, Ilia… we thought that life was a game… our salaries and income was increasing year after year, the prices of the properties were rising week by week… we were not realizing what it meant for us to buy a very expensive property or sign a 30 years’ loan, committing  [more]

Startup or a new company: “One-easy-tool-for-all”: The latest lie about marketing, promoted as “truth”

Today’s world is 1.000 times more complicated than the complicated environment our fathers lived in. Either we create a new company / a startup, or we have an established company, the marketing issue is always a priority and a challenge. It is a priority because every company needs to presents its products / services in  [more]

The healthiest Real Estate market that Romania experienced since 1990. Advantages and challenges ahead

2007 – “Hello, Ilia, how are you?” (a major banker on the phone) – “I am fine, sir, how about you?” – “I have here someone who has just transferred in our bank 2 million Euros. The money arrived yesterday, he has come today and he is leaving the day after. He wants to buy  [more]

Startup or new business with many partners: 10 tips so as to collaborate with success

– “We started a new project. We will need your consulting” – “It will be my pleasure. How many people are you as a team?” – “3” – “And who does what?” – “All of us will do everything, we are in the beginning” … – “I will produce, she will  [more]

Life Lessons, 2: The Real Romanian Dream

He opened the door, it was a heavy wooden one. “How old can it be?” he thought. He entered in the big room and walked to the chairs on his left. He knew the place… an impressive hall of a well-known Romanian university. The professors were sitting on his right. He looked at them, one  [more]

Startup or “New business attempt”: Who are you? What suits you best?

– “I’ve been in almost every possible event that was organized in the last 2 years in Bucharest” – “Why? Is it so difficult to find a girlfriend?” – “Don’t tease me, please. I heard almost every speaker who had something to say, while I read almost everything written online” –  [more]

Finally, Romania in Copa Cogeca: We pay 1 Euro, we get back 100 – 1.000

– “Why do Romanian farmers receive only 138 Euro / hectare / year? Even Polish farmers get 220” – “Because Romania was not member of Copa Cogeca when the subventions were negotiated, so we did not include something for your country in our proposal to the European Commission” The reply of Copa Cogeca official did  [more]

The new Real Estate problem and its consequences: Building permits and other urbanistic documents are on hold

“I entered in an office, where many people used to work. Now there is just one person and he simply refuses to sign any document at all. But this is the good scenario, as you find someone to talk to you. In other cases, the office is just locked”. The Romanian Real Estate market reached  [more]

Startup or “New business attempt”: Their 6 major differences

– “What do you do?” – “I am the founder of a startup” – “How would you define it?” – “It’s great, people say that we will also get investors to fund our ideas…” – “…how would you define your start up?” – “It’s something  [more]

“Mr Einstein”, the eternal perfume and 3 denials

First we secure an investment, then we seek for profits… When we invest in a project / business / property, we should make sure that we will not lose the capital, then search for profits. Otherwise… My secretary called me: “Your next meeting has arrived”. Even before to enter in the conference room, I could  [more]

Market analysis: The 3 “Romanias” and the one you should invest in

Romania has an excellent potential for the years to come. Before investing, choose carefully your target audience Ten years ago… I was going to Raiffeisen bank in Calea Mosilor and I was always surprised by the fact that a particular department was full of clients, at 08.15 in the morning. As I was living nearby  [more]

Profitable start-ups without hard work. Is it possible?

– “Happy to meet you, I am …, you probably heard about me” – “Hello, I am Ilias Papageorgiadis” – “What do you do, Ilia?” – “As a family, we are active in Real Estate, Consulting and Commerce. I am more into Real Estate and Consulting, Renewable Energy is my  [more]

My nights with… Marius Locic

After I left my career in Greece and chose Romania to move in, I practically started from scratch. Apart from my know-how and principles, my strongest “weapon” so as to enter in the Romanian business world was to have a plan and work hard… Since 2005, I stayed for 3,5 years in the center of  [more]

5% VAT for properties up to 450.000 Ron: A “life changing” decision for many buyers

90%+ of Romanians and foreigners who buy an apartment in the country, buy properties with value less than 90.000 Euro, less than 385.000 Ron (circa 85.500 Euro) to be more precise. This happened due to the fact that properties sold with a price up to this limit were taxed with 5% VAT. During the last  [more]


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